Applying Through Workspace

Workspace is the standard way for organizations or individuals to apply for federal grants in Workspace is a shared online environment where members of a grant team may simultaneously access and edit different forms within an application. For each funding opportunity announcement (FOA), you can create individual instances of a workspace.

MIT Proposals in Workspace

Workspace and KC

Workspace is a means of submitting proposals through and does not waive the necessity of a Kuali Coeus proposal. KC is still the system of record for proposals, so a KC proposal will need to be created and routed for approval to coincide with your Workspace application. See Proposal Submission Methods Flowchart [PDF] for more information.

In Workspace:

  • Application Name: Enter {KC Proposal #}, {PI Name}, additional information, such as Proposal Title may be entered after
  • Add Participants (via Participants tab) of all who will be involved in the proposal (fellow Aggregators, RAS CA, RAS liaison). The proposal's Principal Investigator does not need to be added.

In KC:

  • Upload the entire application PDF as a single attachment in KC with file name beginning with the Workspace ID number (WS########)
  • The only forms that will need to be uploaded into KC separately are the user-attached, optional Assignment Request, Cover Letter, and Appendices
  • Use KC Budget Print Reports [PDF] to prepare budget details for entry into Workspace

Using Workspace


Obtaining a Workspace ID

For Administrators with KC Proposal Create authorizations, obtain a Workspace ID [PDF] User Guide “Register” [webpage with video] video tutorial (follow instructions for “Applicants: Add Profile to a Account”):

Quick Cards