Nondisclosure and Confidentiality Agreements

At various times, MIT may need to receive confidential information or proprietary materials from outside organizations, or provide confidential MIT information, usually limited to unpublished research or inventions to be patented, to outside organizations, as part of research or licensing activities. These exchanges of proprietary information or materials require agreements that govern how the information or materials will be protected, used, and discarded, and that protect the rights of the owners.

Request a new NDA, DUA or MTA via the Hermes Portal


Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreements do not bind the Institute unless they are signed, or assented to in writing, by an individual who is specifically authorized by vote of the MIT Corporation’s Executive Committee to bind the Institute.

The Principal Investigator is not authorized to sign a Non-Disclosure or Confidentiality Agreement in the absence of written authority, as described above.

For inquiries, contact

Updated April 19, 2024