News & Announcements


Research Administration Services (RAS) Proposal Deadlines – July 4th Holiday

MIT will celebrate an extended July 4th holiday beginning Thursday July 4, 2024, with offices reopening on Monday July 8, 2024.

Changes Made to NSF PAPPG 24-1

The new NSF Proposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG 24-1) went into effect on May 20, 2024.

Charging Faculty Summer Salary: 2024 Guidelines

Updated guidelines for charging faculty summer salaries were announced in a letter on May 9, 2024. These include guidance on working internationally and on/off-campus appointments, as well as payment of summer salary on NIH awards in excess of the federally mandated NIH salary cap.

NIH Revised Grants Policy Statement

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has recently revised their Grants Policy Statement (NIHGPS) for FY24. As outlined in NOT-OD-24-115, this update applies to all NIH grants and cooperative agreements with budget periods starting on or after October 1, 2023.

Increased Subsidies for NIH NRSA Scholars

National Institutes of Health will increase annual pay levels for recipients of the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA).

GlobeSmart Guides Demo Sessions - May 1 and 2, 2024

MIT partners with Aperian, an online resource providing GlobeSmart Guides that can help enhance your cultural awareness and improve communication in a global environment. The portal contains guides to foreign cultures for over 100 countries and tools to help you collaborate and work effectively across cultures.

Four things to know about research security

This article summarizes four areas of guidance that MIT research administrators should be aware of, for your own knowledge and to support the valuable advice you provide to your colleagues in research.

Maintaining research security is all about preserving the integrity of the research enterprise and the public’s trust while we pursue MIT’s core mission in research and teaching.

Off-Site Research Field Added to KC for NSF Proposals

RAS is adding a new supplemental info field to KC Developmental Proposal for NSF Proposals on whether the proposal has Off-Campus or Off-Site Research. The field will have a Yes or No option and must be answered for all NSF proposals. Off-Campus or Off-Site Research does not include Haystack or Lincoln Lab.

NIH Salary Cap

As you may have heard, the Executive Level II salary cap previously set at $212,100 increased to $221,900 effective January 1, 2024. Institutions can re-budget, where appropriate, salaries at the Execute Level II level on existing awards.

International Activities Forum for Administrative Staff, February 13

We are excited to announce the first International Activities Forum for Administrative Staff on February 13. The forum will cover the following key topics: Introduction by Richard Lester, Elevated Risk, China Report Implementation, MISTI Support and Services. 

RAS Subaward Updates and Process Improvements

In response to feedback and requests received, the RAS Subaward Team is pleased to provide information regarding updates and process improvements. 

New Records and Data Requirements for NIH Foreign Subawards

NIH has updated its Foreign Subaward Agreement Policy. Effective January 2, 2024, records and data requirements do not require the prime awardee to collect and maintain records and data.