NIH Data Management and Sharing

Updated May 1, 2024

Effective January 25, 2023, all applications for NIH-funded research that will generate scientific data must include a Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP). The DMSP must be two pages or less and address the following points:

  • Data type
  • Related tools, software, or code
  • Standards
  • Data preservation, access, and associated timelines
  • Access, distribution, or reuse considerations 
  • Oversight of data management and sharing 

More information on these elements can be found in NIH guide notice NOT-OD-21-014 and in NIH's 2023 Data Management & Sharing Policy FAQs.

Developing Data Management Plans at MIT

MIT Libraries’ Data Management Services offers a range of services to help you develop a DMSP, advise you on effective data management during research, or recommend data sharing and publication options.

Budgeting for Data Management and Sharing

Below is a summary of current NIH budget guidance for DMSPs. RAS is seeking additional guidance regarding the long-term costs of data storage beyond the award period and will provide updated information on this page as it becomes available.

Allowable Costs

Allowable costs for budgets are:

  • Curating data and developing supporting documentation
  • Local data management considerations
  • Preserving and sharing data through established repositories

Note that all allowable costs submitted in budget requests must be incurred during the performance period, even for scientific data and metadata preserved and shared beyond the award period.

See Allowable Costs for Data Management and Sharing for additional details. 

Requesting Funds for Data Management and Sharing

Follow NIH's Requesting and Justifying Costs for Data Management and Sharing guidance when developing your budget justification. If there are no anticipated costs, this should be stated as well.

  • Detailed Budget Format: Request costs in the appropriate cost categories, e.g., personnel, equipment, supplies and other expenses (replaces line item requirement).
  • Modular Budget Format: Address any costs associated with the plan in the Additional Narrative Justification.

Investigators whose research projects are also subject to the Genomic Data Sharing Policy should also include requested costs for genomic data management and sharing (see Implementation Changes for Genomic Data Sharing Plans).