Please visit the Office of Strategic Alliances and Technology Transfer [website] for the most recent information about working with industrial sponsors.
In which formats should proposals be submitted – paper, electronic, both?
- Non-competitive proposals to industrial sponsors should be submitted according to the preference of the sponsor’s technical representative. The proposal and research agreement are usually submitted either as electronic files (pdf or doc) attached to e-mail transmittals or as paper files attached to a paper transmittal letter and sent by mail or FedEx. Most often, the PI or Department, Lab or Center adminsitrator will send the RAS approved proposal to the sponsor's representative.
- Competitive RFP’s specify the format and submittal process on their web sites. Most competitive RFP’s require uploading proposals to web sites in electronic formats (most often pdf but sometimes doc). Many competitive RFP's also require that the university pre-accept the company's research contract and submit with each proposal a letter signed by RAS accepting the terms of the program's contract.
If you plan to submit a proposal to a competitive industrial RFP that requires pre-review and acceptance of a contract, please notify your Contract Administrator as early as possible to schedule RAS's review of the contract before you prepare your proposal, in case the contract contains terms that MIT cannot accept and may need to ask the sponsor to consider changing in order for MIT to submit proposals.
- RAS has pre-negotiated contracts for the Hewlett-Packard IRP and Samsung GRO programs as well as SRC's GRC programs and MARCO programs.