Army Research Office (ARO) and Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Terms and Conditions Summary

Updated June 27, 2024

Awards made to MIT after December 26, 2014 are “subject to the administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements” of 2 CFR Part 200 (Uniform Guidance or “UG”)

Period of Performance Extensions

  • May incur pre-award costs 90 days prior to the award date without prior approval.
  • Research awards may initiate a one-time no- cost extension of up to 12 months by notifying agency in writing at least 10 days prior to award expiration.

Personnel Changes

  • Change of any key person named in proposal or award requires prior approval.
  • Disengagement of the PI for 3 months requires prior approval.
  • 25% reduction in effort PI requires prior approval.

Restrictions on Allowable Costs  

Rebudgeting Authority

  • All deviations from the approved budget are required to be reported to the Agency.
  • Funds for participant support may not be rebudgeted without prior approval.
  • Changes in Cost sharing require prior approval.

Carry Forward

  • Carryforward does not require prior approval.


  • Unbudgeted Special purpose equipment over $5,000 may not be purchased without prior approval.
  • Unbudgeted General purpose equipment of any value may not be purchased without prior approval.
  • Title to property vests in MIT.
  • Property management and reporting requirements are applicable to all property for which MIT is accountable under an award.


  • Use of U.S. Carriers for flights is required per the Fly America Act (49 USC 40118)
  • The Department of Defense does not allow exceptions under the Open Skies Agreements.


  • Acknowledgment required: in any publication “This material is based upon work supported by, or in part by, the U. S. Army Research Laboratory and the U. S. Army Research Office under contract/grant number”
  • Disclaimer required: Not specified in the regulations, but typically expected in all releases of information except scientific articles.
  • Copies to Sponsor:  expected to Technical Representative at the time of submission for publication..


  • Prior Approval required for all unbudgeted subcontracting.


Late reporting could delay future funding. Requirements are specified on ARO Form 18.

  • Technical reporting: 

    • Must be completed by the PI.
    • Submit online at, or by email using SF298-20. (If SF298-20 does not load in your browser, download and view in Adobe Reader.) Federal agencies have been very stringent on this and reject incomplete reports:
      • Block 16a, 16b and 16c should state "unclassified"
      • Block 19a and 19b should contain your information
    • Final technical report must be submitted to in addition to any recipients specified in award document.
    • Requirements may vary, but typically include
      • Annual reports due 30 days after July 31
      • Final report, due 90 days after closeout. 
  • Financial Reporting: Required. Completed by Sponsored Accounting.
  • Intellectual Property Reporting: Required. Completed by RAS.
  • Property/Equipment Reporting: May be required. Completed by Property Office.