AFOSR requires prior written approval to extend the period of performance, without additional funds, beyond the expiration date of the grant. AFOSR only grants no-cost extensions when they are truly warranted and properly documented. All research efforts being performed should be managed toward meeting the present expiration date of the grant.
Requesting a No-Cost Extension (NCE)
For an extension to be granted, all NCE requests must be received from the Principal Investigator (PI) and at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the grant’s period of performance.
It is critically important that the Principal Investigator remains in contact with the AFOSR Program Manager. The program manager is often the determining factor if a no-cost extension is relevant and warranted for the research being performed.
RAS Review
No-cost extension requests must be documented in writing and sent to the RAS representative for review before submission to AFOSR. As they must be sent to AFOSR no later than 30 days prior to the grant’s present expiration date, they should be sent to RAS sufficiently prior to that to allow for time to review. The request should include:
- Technical rationale
- A clear explanation of how the program will benefit technically during the extension period (This is where prior communication with the AFOSR Program Manager is very important)
Submission to AFOSR
All PIs must submit NCE requests through the AFOSR Request a No Cost Extension platform. All requests that are submitted through other avenues (including email) will have to be re-routed through the platform.
The NCE request must include:
- Compelling reason(s) for the extension beyond the using unexpended balances. In no event will the period of performance be extended merely for the purpose of using unobligated balances.
- Original end date and requested extension length.
- SF 425 showing the unexpended funds remaining.
- Request letter from Business office on University’s letterhead
- Ensure all required previous annual reports have been received by AFOSR
Denied NCE Requests
Keep in mind that if a no-cost extension is not granted, all unexpended funds must be returned to AFOSR at the end of the grant performance. It is advised to spend as allowed under the grant terms. All expenditures on grants should continue to be in accordance with Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) and therefore should be reasonable, allowable and allocable to the research being performed.