By Department

Staff by Department
Department Sort descending Code Administrator Phone
Aga Khan Program 031500 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Anthropology 093200 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Architecture 031000 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Architecture and Planning - Department Heads 030100 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Biology 151000 Michelle Gittens 617-258-8009
Brain and Cognitive Sciences 154500 Katelynn McPeake 617-715-2479
Broad Institute 419000 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Center for Advanced Urbanism 030001 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Center for Biomedical Engineering 166000 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Center for Biomedical Innovation (CBI) 430000 Katie McGeary 617-253-0460
Center for Bits and Atoms 039020 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Center for Environmental Health Sciences (CEHS) 165000 Bernadette Vallely 617-324-7211
Center for Global Change Science 159400 Helen Fowowe 617.258.5574
Center for International Studies (CIS) 097500 Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology 066100 Courtney Bensey 617-324-7533
Center for Real Estate 033000 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL) 069500 Louise Tanguay-Ricker 617-253-3884
Chemical Engineering 062000 Courtney Bensey 617-324-7533
Chemistry 152000 Alisa Onyuksel 617-324-9021
Civil and Environmental Engineering 063000 Meghan Lee 617-324-8445
Clinical Research Center 163000 Katelynn McPeake 617-715-2479
Comparative Media Studies/Writing 093800 Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab. (CSAIL) 067952 Stacey Sullaway 617-324-7210
D-Lab 440102 Kyle Shedden 617-324-9146
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics 061000 Elizabeth Fong 617-253-8048
Department of Biological Engineering 069200 Katrina McCarty 617-715-4296
Department of Defense (DOD) Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Department of Energy (DOE) Mary A. McGonagle 617-258-8017
Department of Materials Science and Engineering 066000 Helen Fowowe 617.258.5574
Department of Transportation (DOT) Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Department of Urban Studies and Planning 035000 Alisa Onyuksel 617-324-9021
Deshpande Center 061200 Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Division of Comparative Medicine 402100 Bernadette Vallely 617-324-7211
Draper Fellows Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Draper IR&D Awards Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science 153000 Katelynn McPeake 617-715-2479
Economics 091000 Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Edgerton Center 440100 Katie McGeary 617-253-0460
EdX 401818 Courtney Bensey 617-324-7533
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) 064000 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI) 402400 Katie McGeary 617-253-0460
Fellowships Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Foundations Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Global Studies and Languages 093300 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Gordon Engineering Leadership Program 061350 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Graduate School 442700 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Haystack 401710 Elizabeth Fong 617-253-8048
Health Science and Technology 161000 Bernadette Vallely 617-324-7211
History Section 093400 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Hyperstudio 093301 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Industrial Performance Center 060300 Mary A. McGonagle 617-258-8017
Institute for Data, Systems and Society (IDSS) 068100 Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) 061901 Helen Fowowe 617.258.5574
Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies 417000 Mary A. McGonagle 617-258-8017
Jameel Clinic For ML In Health (J-Clinic) 060051 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Jameel Poverty Action Lab (JPAL) 091020 Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Jameel Water and Food Security Lab (J-WAFS) 402410 Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research 159600 Meghan Lee 617-324-8445
Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research 402000 Bernadette Vallely 617-324-7211
Kuwait-MIT Ctr/Natural Resources & Environment 401900 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Lab for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) 068700 Louise Tanguay-Ricker 617-253-3884
Laboratory for Nuclear Science (LNS) 159900 Katie McGeary 617-253-0460
Lemelson Fund 061100 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Libraries 271000 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Lincoln Laboratory 422400 Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Linguistics and Philosophy 094000 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
List Visual Arts Center 401812 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Literature Section 093600 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Magnet Lab 265000 Kyle Shedden 617-324-9146
Masdar 401801 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Materials Research Laboratory 417500 Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Math 154000 Meghan Lee 617-324-8445
McGovern Institute 400600 Katelynn McPeake 617-715-2479
Mechanical Engineering - PI’s A-K 065004 Michelle Gittens 617-258-8009
Mechanical Engineering – PI’s L-Z 065003 Ruth Smith 617-258-8018
MechE Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy 065003 Ruth Smith 617-258-8018
Media Lab 039000 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Media Lab Arts and Sciences 036000 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Medical 495000 Bernadette Vallely 617-324-7211
Microphotonics Center 069880 Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Microsystems Tech. Lab. 060600 Louise Tanguay-Ricker 617-253-3884
Millstone 401750 Elizabeth Fong 617-253-8048
MIT - Portugal Program 060500 Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
MIT Collaborative Initiatives 401866 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) 320000 Alisa Onyuksel 617-324-9021
MIT Museum 401811 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
MIT Press 875000 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
MIT Quest for Intelligence 065012 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab 060050 Kyle Shedden 617-324-9146
MIT-SUTD Collaboration 414000 Bernadette Vallely 617-324-7211
MRL/Center for Materials Science & Engineering 246000 Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
MSRED Academic Program (Master of Science in Real Estate Development) 033010 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
MTL/RLE – Cook/Coary Team 268001 Louise Tanguay-Ricker 617-253-3884
Music and Theater Arts 093700 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
NASA, Other Federal Government Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Bernadette Vallely 617-324-7211
National Laboratories Mary A. McGonagle 617-258-8017
National Science Foundation (NSF) Courtney Bensey 617-324-7533
Non-SUTD Funding for IDC Research 421225 Courtney Bensey 617-324-7533
Nuclear Reactor Lab (NRL) 264000 Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Nuclear Science and Engineering 068000 Louise Tanguay-Ricker 617-253-3884
Office of Digital Learning 401819 Courtney Bensey 617-324-7533
Office of Engineering Outreach Programs (OEOP) 060700 Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Office of Innovation 401823 Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Office of the Arts 401813 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Office, Dean of Engineering 060000 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Office, Dean of Science 150000 Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Open Courseware (OCW) 406300 Courtney Bensey 617-324-7533
Other Federal Agencies Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Physics 158000 Louise Tanguay-Ricker 617-253-3884
Picower Institute for Learning and Memory 159300 Alisa Onyuksel 617-324-9021
Plasma Fusion Center 243020 Kyle Shedden 617-324-9146
Political Science 095500 Ruth Smith 617-258-8018
Program in Art, Culture and Technology 038000 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Program in Science, Technology and Society (STS) 097000 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Provost 401800 Courtney Bensey 617-324-7533
Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) 267000 Mary A. McGonagle 617-258-8017
RLE – Barnett/Coary Team 267111 Mary A. McGonagle 617-258-8017
RLE – Johansson/Sharma Team 267500 Katrina McCarty 617-715-4296
RLE – Kindstedt/Sharma Team 267113 Louise Tanguay-Ricker 617-253-3884
RLE – Kindstedt/Sharma Team 267110 Katrina McCarty 617-715-4296
RLE – Muto CQUE Program / Coary 267300 Katrina McCarty 617-715-4296
RLE – Muto/Sharma Team 267200 Katrina McCarty 617-715-4296
RLE – Parker/Coary Team 267100 Mary A. McGonagle 617-258-8017
RLE – Sheehan/Sharma Team 267600 Katrina McCarty 617-715-4296
RLE – Xu/Coary 268005 Katrina McCarty 617-715-4296
School of Architecture and Planning 030000 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
School of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Dean’s Office 090000 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
Sea Grant 266300 Ruth Smith 617-258-8018
Simons Center 154501, 154502 Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) 068200 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) 401862 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Sloan School of Management 121000 Katie McGeary 617-253-0460
Social and Ethical Responsibility in Computing 050053 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922
Sociotechnical Systems Research Center (SSRC) 069400 Katie McGeary 617-253-0460
State and Local Governments Jamie Goldberg 617-253-6287
Student Life 442000 Melissa Klumpar 617-253-4170
System Design and Management 060800 Michael P. Corcoran 617-253-3906
Undergraduate Education 449000 Laureen Horton 617-253-3922