Please note, only NSF award PIs and Co-PIs can submit reports, due to the requirement that a PI certify the accuracy of each report. Other project personnel, departmental administrators, and RAS are not authorized to submit any NSF report on behalf of the PI.
Report Types
Annual Project Report
Annual Project Reports (APRs) are required for all multi-year grants including Standard and Continuing Grants and Cooperative Agreements. Unless otherwise specified in the grant award, annual project reports should be submitted electronically no later than 90 days prior to the end of the current reporting budget period. In the case of continuing grants, failure to submit timely reports may delay processing of funding increments. Failure to submit timely reports will delay processing of additional funding and administrative actions, including, but not limited to, no cost extensions. All Annual Project Reports for each reporting period must be completed prior to submission of a Final Project Report.
Final Project Report
Final Project Reports (FPRs) are required for all Standard Grant, Continuing Grant, Cooperative Agreement and Individual Fellowship (Individual Institutions only and when applicable or cited in solicitations) award types. NSF awards require that the PI submit a Final Project Report to the cognizant NSF Program Officer within no later than 120 days following the end date of the grant.
The final project report is a vital, and required, part of the award closeout process. By submitting the report, you are indicating that the scope of work for the project has been completed and you do not anticipate any further actions on the award, including a no-cost extension, supplemental funding, nor transfer (PI Transfer). No actions are permitted on a project once the final project report has been approved. If you have questions regarding your award, contact your cognizant Program Officer or the Division of Grants and Agreements official listed on your award notice.
Project Outcomes Report
Project Outcomes Reports (PORs) are applicable to all Standard Grant, Continuing Grant and Cooperative Agreements. This report serves as a brief summary, prepared specifically for the public, of the nature and outcomes of the project. Unless otherwise specified in the grant, project outcomes reports must be submitted electronically via no later than 120 days following the end date of the grant.
Consequences of Overdue Reports
The NSF will send reminders to the PI(s) regarding reports that are due or overdue on a regular basis. While any reporting requirement is overdue, the NSF will not release any incremental funding, new awards, or changes to awards for any award for the PI or Co-PIs. Annual reports become overdue 90 days after the due date. Final reports become overdue 120 days after the due date.
Project Report Format (RPPR) and Submission
NSF uses the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) format for its project reports, and has developed a Project Reporting Format document [DOCX] to help PIs gather information and collaborate with other contributors on project reports.
Prepare and submit your reports using project reports resources:
- Progress Report Getting Started Guide [PDF]
- RPPR Screenshots and Instructions [PDF]
Contact the Help Desk for technical assistance.