National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Terms and Conditions Summary

Updated April 26, 2024

As with all federal awards, OMB’s Uniform Guidance applies, except as modified by the sponsor-specific terms.

Period of Performance Extensions

  • May incur pre-award costs 90 days prior to award without prior approval
  • May extend award one time up to 12 months at no additional cost: notification of extension must be received by the NASA Grant Officer at least 10 days prior to award expiration
  • All other extensions must be approved in writing by the NASA Grants Officer

Personnel Changes

  • Prior approval required to change a Principal Investigator (PI).
  • Prior approval required for significant absence of the PI, defined as a three month absence from the project or a 25 percent reduction in time devoted to the project.
  • Prior written approval required for significant change in the objective or scope.

Restrictions on Allowable Costs

Rebudgeting Authority

  • Subject to Uniform Guidance without further restriction
  • All other rebudgeting between otherwise reasonable, allocable, and allowable costs is allowed, unless it represents a change in scope
  • Carry forward allowed for any unexpended balance of funds which remains at the end of any funding period, except the final funding period of the grant, shall be carried over to the next funding period


  • General purpose equipment may not be purchased without approval of NASA Grant Officer
  • Special purpose or general purpose equipment valued under $5,000 is classified as ‘‘supplies,’’ and does not require approval of NASA Grant Officer
  • MIT retains Title to special purpose and general purpose equipment valued in excess of $5,000 (i.e. capital equipment)
  • Title to property vests in MIT


  • Use of US Carriers required per the Fly America Act; exceptions may be made for certain airlines and routes under “Open Skies” agreements.


  • Acknowledgment required: All information disseminated as a result of the grant shall acknowledge NASA’s support and identify the grant by number (e.g., “the material is based upon work supported by NASA under award No(s) xxxxxxxxxx, etc.’’).
  • Disclaimer required: Except for articles or papers published in scientific, technical, or professional journals, the exposition of results from NASA supported research should also include the following disclaimer: “Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.”
  • Copies to Sponsor
    1. The original report, in both hard copy and electronic format, to the Technical Officer.
    2. One copy to the NASA Grant Officer, with a notice to the Administrative Grant Officer, (when administration of the grant has been delegated to ONR), that a report was sent.


  • Prior Approval required for all subcontracting.


Technical Reporting

  • A Progress Report describing accomplishments during the reporting period is due annually 60 days before the anniversary date of the grant, except for the final year.
  • A Summary of Research or Educational Activity Report is due within 90 days after the expiration date of the grant, regardless of whether or not support is continued under another grant.

Property/Equipment Reporting

  • An annual Inventory Report, to be received no later than October 15, must list all reportable non-exempt equipment and/or Federally owned property in MIT’s custody as of September 30. If there is no reportable equipment, annual Inventory Reports are not required.
  • A Final Inventory Report of Federally Owned Property, including equipment where title was taken by the Government, must be submitted no later than 60 days after the expiration date of the grant. Even if there is no reportable equipment, Final Inventory Reports are required.
  • An annual NASA Form 1018, NASA Property in the Custody of Contractors, to be received by October 15, must cover the period from October 1 to September 30. The original NF 1018 shall be submitted to the center Deputy Chief Financial Officer (Finance) with three copies sent concurrently to the center Industrial Property Officer. Negative reports (i.e. no reportable property) are required.
  • A Final NF 1018 report is required within 30 days after expiration of the agreement.

Financial Reporting

  • A Federal Cash Transactions Report (SF 425), and, when applicable, a Continuation Sheet (SF 425) must be submitted electronically to DHHS/PMS within 30 working days following the end of each Federal Fiscal quarter (i.e., December 31, March 31, June 30, and September 30).
  • A final SF 425 in electronic or paper form must be submitted to NASA within 90 calendar days after the expiration date of the grant. The final SF 425 shall pertain only to the completed grant and shall include total disbursements from inception through completion. The report shall be marked “Final”