Tools and Systems

Providing direct access, resources and training guides, to the tools and systems important for research administrators and colleagues. View resources for individual systems below, or view how RA tools and systems interact with each other.

  • COUHES Connect is MIT’s IRB platform that allows investigators to manage their human subject protocol submissions to COUHES (Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects).

  • MIT researchers submitting proposals to NIH should submit copies of outside contracts or other agreements with foreign entities to the External Contract Depository. Uploaded documents will receive a high-level review by MIT’s Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of the General Counsel to help ensure compliance with NIH requirements.

  • Researchers can submit applications for limited submission proposals through the MIT Funding Opportunities Portal. Administrators may also use the portal to host internal competitions.

  • Faculty and researchers can use the Hermes Portal to facilitate discussions of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), data use agreements (DUAs), and material transfer agreements (MTAs) with collaborators at other organizations. 

  • MIT researchers should use the IIC tool to report international collaborations undertaken without written agreements or exchange of funds. The VPR Compliance team will review each submitted collaboration and contact the researcher with any questions or concerns. 

    • Log in: IIC tool (Touchstone required)
  • Kuali Coeus (KC) is a cradle-to-grave award management system that is designed to assist the research community in proposal development, tracking of submitted proposals, and award acquisition and management.

  • PIs and key personnel can submit proposal-specific and annual financial conflict of interest (COI) disclosures, as required by federal regulations and some non-federal sponsors, using My COI.

  • Faculty, administrative staff, research staff and other academic staff need to complete an Outside Professional Activities (OPA) report annually, at the direction of the Provost and Dean’s Offices. 

  • DLC administrators and members of Research Administrative Services use OST for award transaction requests on sponsored programs. 

Getting Help

For most tools, contact for additional help.

For additional support using Research@MIT, contact the IS&T Service Desk.