Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Terms and Conditions Summary

Updated June 26, 2024

Any requests for prior approval should be submitted in writing to RAS for review; RAS will then submit to the grants officer by RAS.

Period of Performance Extensions

  • May incur pre-award costs 90 days prior to the award date without prior approval.
  • Research awards may initiate a one-time no- cost extension of up to 12 months by notifying agency in writing at least 10 days prior to award expiration.

Personnel Changes

  • Change of any key person named in proposal or award requires prior approval.
  • Disengagement of the PI for 3 months requires prior approval.
  • 25% or more reduction in effort by the PI requires prior approval.

Restrictions on Allowable Costs  

Rebudgeting authority

  • All deviations from the approved budget are required to be reported to the Agency.
  • Funds for participant support may not be rebudgeted without prior approval.
  • Changes in Cost sharing require prior approval.

Carry Forward

  • Carryforward does not require prior approval.


  • Unbudgeted Special purpose equipment over $5,000 may not be purchased without prior approval.
  • Unbudgeted General purpose equipment of any value may not be purchased without prior approval.
  • Title to property vests in MIT.
  • Property management and reporting requirements are applicable to all property for which MIT is accountable under an award.


  • Use of U.S. Carriers for flights is required per the Fly America Act (49 USC 40118)
  • The Department of Defense does not allow exceptions under the Open Skies Agreements.


  • Acknowledgment required: Not specified in the regulations, but typically expected in all releases of information
  • Disclaimer required: Not specified in the regulations, but typically expected in all releases of information except scientific articles.
  • Copies to Sponsor: Not specified in the regulations, but typically expected to Technical Representative at the time of submission for publication.


  • Prior Approval required for all unbudgeted subcontracting.


Late reporting could delay future funding. Requirements shall be specified in the Award document.

  • Technical Reporting

    • Requirements may vary, but typically include
      • Annual reports due on the anniversary of the effective date
      • Final report due 90 days after closeout
    • Must be completed by the PI.
    • Use SF298-20 for the Final Report Coversheet for your technical report. (If SF298-20 does not load in your browser, download and view in Adobe Reader.) Federal agencies have been very stringent on this and reject incomplete reports:
      • Block 16a, 16b and 16c should state "unclassified"
      • Block 19a and 19b should contain your information
    • Final technical report must be submitted to in addition to any recipients specified in award document. 
  • Financial Reporting: Required. Completed by Sponsored Accounting.
  • Intellectual Property Reporting: Required. Completed by RAS.
  • Property/Equipment Reporting: May be required. Completed by Property Office.