Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) is an application developed by NCBI to help researchers create and maintain biographical sketches as required for grant applications and annual reports. While it was initially developed for NIH grant applications, NSF and other federal agencies are beginning to adopt it as a tool to assist researchers in preparing biographical sketches and other proposal and reporting materials in agency-approved formats.
SciENcv pulls information from other systems, including MyNCBI, ORCID, NSF and eRA commons. Information transferred to SciENcv may be edited and the application will produce sponsor-compliant PDF versions of biographical sketches and the NSF current & pending support format. These documents may be saved and submitted with proposal applications in FastLane, Research.gov or Grants.gov.
ImageWhile researchers must create their own individual SciENcv accounts, if desired, they can grant access to other individuals, such as DLC research administrators, administrative assistants, or others who support research at MIT, to assist in creating maintaining and downloading documents in agency-approved formats.
- SciENcv provides a centralized place for researchers to maintain information commonly required for biographical sketches and current/pending/other support sections in grant applications.
- By delegating access to others, the administrative burden of preparing complete and accurate documents in compliance with sponsor disclosure requirements may be significantly reduced.
- As federal sponsors continue to review their disclosure requirements and better align their grant management systems, it’s likely that more agencies will require use of the SciENcv system in the future.
MIT Research Administration Services has prepared a number of resources to help researchers and their administrators get started: