Objective: Provide annual cost sharing detail, funding source, and account data that permits the Kuali Coeus award database to upload cost sharing specific to SAP.
Template components:
- Identify all cost sharing by type (mandatory or voluntary)
- Detailed funded cost sharing plan, required
- Detailed subrecipient cost sharing, required
- Non-funded cost sharing entered at level of detail desired by the DLCI
- The DLCI selects the funding strategy that will be used to account for cost sharing through the project period and provides appropriate FY and amount accordingly
Hints for the DLCI:
- Type of funded cost sharing (mandatory or voluntary) must be identified
- The DLCI must complete the Cost Sharing Template annually for RAS to maintain the Kuali Coeus award database and assure accurate SAP project accounting
- Although various cost sharing funding strategies are available (by MIT fiscal year, by award project year, or incrementally at anniversary date of award), accounting for cost sharing by MIT fiscal year is recommended
- Accounting by MIT fiscal year assures that the most common form of cost sharing (i.e., AY salary, EBs, and F&A, if necessary) are correct, with minimum paperwork by the DLCI, RAS and VPF
- Cost sharing from within the DLCI’s unit; the DLC may aggregate cost sharing as “Other”
Funded cost sharing – funding source is outside the DLCI:
- Individual’s last name, fiscal year, amount, funding source, and destination account
- Separate line should be created for each individual cost shared salary
- Note that individual names will not be entered in Kuali Coeus
- Before the Cost Sharing Template goes to the RAS, it must be routed in paper or electronically for approval of cost shared from outside funding source. For example: A cost-shared faculty effort would require the completed Template be routed for approval of the faculty home department when the award is not administered by the home department; or the relevant Dean’s office when a Department Head effort; or the VPR office when a Lab/Center Director effort
Non-funded cost sharing:
- Subrecipient cost sharing – must be identified separately by the DLCI
- The DLCI may consolidate amounts for all non-funded cost sharing as “Other” except subrecipient cost sharing
- The DLCI enters the fiscal year and amount for non-funded cost sharing corresponding to the funded plan period (i.e., MIT FY, project year, or incrementally). MIT FY is the preferred cost sharing accounting
How many cost sharing child accounts?
- Usually, only one cost sharing child account will be required
- If the DLCI wants more to meet unusual cost sharing reporting requirements, the DLCI enters the Destination Account as “A,” “B,” “C,” etc.