RAS tracks the submission of all final reports to the sponsor in Kuali Coeus. Final reporting requirements are identified in Kuali Coeus.
Technical reports are the responsibility of the PI, but the final report must be provided to RAS at Some agencies (e.g. NSF, NIH) require or permit final technical reports to be submitted on line, and the format for those reports is being revised as a result of a recent federal mandate (see Research Performance Progress Reports). For these online reporting systems, a copy of the Sponsor’s confirmation of receipt is sufficient documentation to send to RAS. When the sponsor does not provide for electronic reporting, a copy of the report or a copy of the transmittal letter should be sent to RAS.
The Sponsor or the conditions of the award may detail a specific format or organization for the Final Report. In general, the final technical report should include:
- Grant or contract number, PI’s name, project title, and performance period, including any authorized extensions.
- Significant results of the project
- Technical difficulties and solutions
- List of publications, including articles in progress
- If the award contains “objectives and/or deliverables, the report should discuss each of these.
VPF Sponsored Accounting prepares the final financial report and submits it to the sponsor, typically within 90 days of the close date.
The DLC may be asked to assist with these reports when the sponsor requires more detail than provided on MIT’s standard reports, such as is sometimes required for travel, equipment, or budget-versus-actual reporting.
The PI is responsible for disclosing all inventions, discoveries and new technology to the Technology Licensing Office throughout the life of the award. At the end of the project, RAS will email the PI a list of all inventions to be reported, which the PI must verify is correct. Once verification is received from the PI, RAS will prepare and submit the final patent report.
The VPF Property Office prepares Interim, Annual and Final Property Reports as required by the Grant or Contract and submits them to the Sponsor usually within ninety days of the project close date.
The Property Office also determines if the Title to the property resides with the Sponsor or MIT based on the Title and Equipment Clauses in the agreement.
Any questions regarding the acquisition or title to equipment acquired on the sponsored agreement may be directed to the MIT Property Office or the appropriate RAS Contract Administrator.
To be completed as may be required