National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Updated: April 3, 2024

NOAA is a federal agency focused on the condition of the oceans and the atmosphere. It plays several distinct roles within the Department of Commerce:

  • Supplier of environmental information products
  • Provider of environmental stewardship services
  • Leader in applied scientific research relating to ecosystems, climate, weather & water, and commerce & transportation

To learn more about ongoing research sponsored by NOAA, visit NOAA Research.

Finding Funding Opportunities

There are several Line Offices under NOAA. Each offers unique funding opportunities within its area of interest. is also a source for funding information. 

Submission Portal and Format

Each announcement contains specific proposal requirements. Please refer to the individual funding announcement for proposal submission guidelines. 

NOAA standard application is the SF 424.

Grant Terms and Conditions

Review the RAS summary of NOAA Terms and Conditions. For more details, or for unusual cases, consult:

Checklists, Disclosures and Other Guidance

More Information from NOAA