A proposal is a detailed request for funding prepared in accordance with the sponsor’s instructions that must comply with Institute policies and sponsor requirements. Upon submission, a proposal becomes an official record of what MIT promised to a sponsor.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Principal Investigator (PI): prepares the proposal in conjunction with an administrative or fiscal officer.
- Research Administration Services (RAS): provides Institute endorsement, reviews and submits proposals, and accepts awards on behalf of MIT and its faculty.
Approval and Submission
In accordance with VPR Policy on Late Submission of Proposals, the complete and final proposal must be received by RAS at or before 9am five full business days before the sponsor deadline date. The sponsor due date is not part of the RAS review period calculation.
RAS Due Date Calculator
Proposals are due to RAS at 9am on the calculated due date.
When MIT is a subrecipient, you should assume the direct sponsor’s internal deadline is the sponsor due date.
Proposals received after the RAS due date require a waiver and will receive limited review. RAS limited review may result in the following: Proposals may be incomplete, or incorrect when submitted. Terms and conditions included in a late proposal submission may not be accepted by MIT. Limited review proposals will not be prioritized over timely proposals.
RAS Due Date Example