Click on a category on the left to see FAQs on that topic.
Where do I find information on sponsor requirements?
This is the critical first step in preparing a proposal. RAS has developed some basic information on each of the major sponsors.
In addition, check the sponsor’s website for solicitation guidelines and correct forms. For federal sponsors, use Be sure to confirm that the principal investigator (PI) has the current, accurate program solicitation. Refer to Finding Funding.
Why did I get a reminder to take Human Subjects Training?
A recent update to COUHES Connect provides your PI with a human subjects training tracking tool that utilizes Connect protocols, sponsored awards, and MIT Personnel expenses to monitor personnel that could require training (either missing or expired). If your PI or supervisor confirms that you do require training, make sure you take the correct course:
- Login to CITI and take a look at your completed courses in the “My Records” menu.
- If you don’t have a completed Basic Course in Human Subjects Research, then you need to select one of the courses listed in Question 1 - for ‘new trainees’ – these are the basic level courses.
- Do NOT take a refresher course (question 2) – a refresher is only valid if you have a completed basic course. You’ll need a refresher when your basic course expires three years after completion.
Read more about Human Subjects Training on the COUHES website.
Why don't my Kuali Coeus Obligated Total and SAP Authorized Total match?
The Authorized Total in SAP most closely aligns with the Obligated Distributable Total in KC. When these two amounts differ, there are several common potential causes:
- Recent updates to totals on an award may not yet have fed from KC to SAP.
- The feed is run between 3 and 4 pm each day. If the update was after the daily feed, it will not be reflected in SAP until the following afternoon.
- If the award/account is part of a structure, having a child award in Hold status in KC (and thus not yet in SAP) will cause the SAP authorized total of the account parent(s) not to match the KC Obligated Distributable totals.
- This will self-correct in time once the child award taken out of Hold status and feeds to SAP
- If it is a newly set up award that had cost sharing included in the proposal, the KC Obligated Distributable may not match the SAP Authorized total.
- Updates in KC with an Award-phase cost sharing template and, if needed, set up of a Cost Sharing Child account should resolve the discrepancy
What should I do if it doesn’t seem to be one of these scenarios causing the problem with the totals?
- Reach out to your RAS Contract Administrator, or, if you prefer, open an OST ticket. We will work together in RAS to identify the problem.
Will the PI or DLCI be required to fund the under-recovery of the fund account fund transaction fee on non-research sponsored projects?
This may be required. Anticipated under-recoveries should be reviewed with the DLCI’s RAS Contract Administrator.